How do I apply?
Bromley borough residents should apply online using the link at
Applying online is quick, safe and secure and gives direct links to school information to help preference decisions. The system is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until the application deadline 15 January 2025. It is Bromley’s preferred application method and is free, using an easy step by step format. You can check or change details online at any point until the deadline. Bromley Admissions will process the last version of the submitted application. Offers should be accepted online.
Admissions Appeals Process 2023/24When Will My Child Start School?
A child should by law be attending school at the beginning of the term following his/her 5th birthday.
In Bromley all children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 will start school in September 2025. However Bromley schools would consider a request for a child to start in January 2024.
If you are looking for a school place in Year 1 or Year 2 please complete the Primary In-year admission form via
If you have a sibling please apply for a place in the normal way. Please be advised that your child will only qualify for a sibling place if both children are at the school at the same time.
Children With A Statement of Special Educational Needs
If your child has a statement of special educational needs, you will not be issued with an Infant to Junior transfer form.
Contact the Special Educational Needs team on 020 8313 4739 for further information.
Applying to Transfer From Infant to Junior School (Year 2 to Year 3)
Parent/carers of children in Year 2 at infant schools must apply online for a Year 3 place at their linked primary/junior school.
Access to the admissions system is from their own local authority websites.
- Children resident in Bromley in Year 2 at an infant school – apply online at from 1 September 2025
- Deadline for linked school applications 15 January 2025
- Children resident out of borough in Year 2 at Bromley infant schools – applications are via the authority where council tax is paid.
How are places allocated?
Bromley Admissions will give your child’s details to us.
All on time applications will be considered at the same time. We will not be told which preference number you are or which other schools you have applied for. All Bromley schools receive more applications than they have places available and use admissions over-subscription criteria to determine who can be offered. Please see our Admissions Arrangements link above.
Please refer to the website for details on how places are offered for out of borough preferences.
All possible offers are shared and exchanged across Boroughs through the Pan-London Admission System.
- If only one preferred school can offer, this is the place you will be offered.
If more than one of your preferred schools can offer a place, the offer from the school highest on your application will be allocated to you. The lower available offers become ‘no longer required’. - Any vacant places will be allocated to Bromley children living within a reasonable travel distance who have not received an offer from any of their preferred schools
- On request your child will be put on the waiting lists of any Bromley school you listed higher than the school offered. Waiting list requests for out borough schools will be passed on to the relevant Local Authority.
Key dates 2024/25
1st September 2025 – Online application system for Bromley residents available via
15th January 2025 |
Application closing date |
16th April 2025 |
National Offer day |