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Friends of Mead Road

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Friends of Mead Road

What we do

We are fortunate at our school to have a Parent Association that is an integral part of the school community.

Over the years we have raised thousands of pounds, which has been spent on equipment and resources to enhance our children’s education experience and the school’s facilities.

All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved. All families are automatically members of the ‘Friends of Mead Road School’ when their child joins our school.

Our Parent Forum is about much more than simply fundraising. It exists to provide closer links between home and school and it is an excellent way to bring staff, parents and friends together socially in support of the school, working towards a common goal.

The Parent Forum meet on a regular basis usually once or twice per term, with smaller working groups meeting as necessary when we are planning larger events.

Class Representatives

There is one representative per class who provides a link between individual classes and parents and the FMRS. The support from class representatives is vital when it comes to organising our main events, from selling tickets to organising rotas of help. Class representatives also organise social events for their class.

Your class reps for 2022/2023 are:


  • Robin's - Angela Miles and Lauren Holmes (joint reps)
  • Owl's - Katie Garvey
  • Toucan's - Katie Finn


Who We Are

The committee is made up of the following members:

  • Chair – Kim Rodger (Toucan's)
  • Treasurer – Nausheen Jilani  (Toucan's)
  • Secretary – Gemma Sargeant (Owl's and Robin's)
  • Publicity officer 
  • Committee Members - Parents from Robin's, Owl's and Toucan's

If you have any questions, you can talk to any Committee member or email us at friendsofmeadroadschool@gmail.com

How We Raise Money

  • Some of our most popular events have been:
  • Christmas Bazaar, Spring Bazaar and Eggstravag- anza, Summer Fair, Pamper Evenings, Panto trips, Scavenger Hunts and Cake Sales.
  • How We Spend the Money We Raise
  • We always endeavour to spend our funds in ways that will benefit all our children across all areas of the school and curriculum.
  • We raised enough money for Woody, which is a well-used and loved piece of playground equipment. 
  • We are now looking to raise money for the children to have enrichment opportunities within their school life. 
  • How We Get Information To You

You will be informed by text messages and electronic newsletters.

Friends of Mead Road School (PTA) run a ‘new to you’ shop for School Uniform.

  • All in excellent condition, a variety of sizes, and most items
    Remember how quickly they grow –save yourself a fortune!
    All money goes directly to ‘supporting school life’
    Contact the school office for more information.
  • How you can get involved

We always welcome parents’ involvement and there are many different ways to help out.

  • You can volunteer to help out at one of the big events or there are always jobs that can be done from home, if you have half an hour to spare, e.g. wrapping gifts, preparing rafflee tickets etc. You can also help by letting us know if you have any contacts or skills we could use; everything is potentially valuable to us. Please contact the school office if you feel able to help.