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Attendance at Mead Road School

At Mead Road School we have high expectations regarding pupil’s attendance.

We expect every child to arrive on time and be fully prepared for the school day.  Being late for school means your child is losing out on vital parts of their education.

If your child is away from school because of illness or other reasons, it is necessary to report their absence on the first day by calling the school office  on 020 8467 1730 or by email admin@meadroad.info explaining the reason why they are absent.

Sickness and/or Diarrhoea: When a child is absent due to vomiting or diarrhoea, please ensure that they are symptom free for at least 24 hours before returning to school. When a child is absent due to both vomiting and diarrhoea, please ensure that they are symptom free for at least 48 hours before returning to school.

Medical Appointments: Where possible please try to arrange medical and dental appointments outside of the school day. Evidence must be provided.

Holiday Requests:  Holidays during term time are not permitted and are not authorised absences. All Holiday requests must be put in writing for the attention of Mrs Alison Stanley, Head of School. Permission for absence for a holiday, for travelling to or visiting relatives will NOT be authorised unless the circumstances are considered to be exceptional. Families who do take holidays in term time may be issued with a fixed penalty notice.

For further information please refer to our attendance policy below, and specifically to Appendix D within it, which outlines our school specific information. 

Our Attendance Policy