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Forest School

Driven by a determination to create welcoming schools for the local community, where every person thrives, makes excellent progress and succeeds.

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Forest School

Our children are fortunate enough to benefit from Forest School facilities within our fantastic grounds.

The Forest School initiative originated in Scandinavia and has been rapidly developing in England and Wales over the past years. One of the reasons for this enthusiasm is that forest schools have the same basic underlying principles adopted from the Scandinavian model. A program of learning is based on the children’s interests and that allows the children to build on skills from week to week. We provide an onsite safe woodland environment for the children to explore.

What is Forest School? 

Forest School is a regular learning experience outside within a natural, wooded/forest environment that supports learning, play, exploration and supported risk-taking. During sessions children take the lead in their learning and follow their own child-initiated investigations and enquiry. During sessions children will engage with the nature world using all of their senses, observe first-hand the changing of the seasons, and have the opportunity to hunt for mini-beasts, build dens, climb trees, and make mud pies. Forest School is fully inclusive for all children and takes place in all weathers (unless too dangerous to do so). Forest School is lots of fun!  

How does Forest School support learning? 

During Forest School sessions children have the opportunity to follow their own interests and lines of enquiry, connect with nature and develop confidence, resilience and self-esteem. Forest school helps children become healthy, resilient, creative and independent learners and to develop a lifelong love and appreciation of nature. Sessions also provide children with a chance to apply their class-based knowledge skills and understanding in science and maths and also to develop their social interaction, language and problem-solving skills. During every forest school session there is a learning focus which is consolidated through a learning activity. 


We ask parents to provide waterproof clothing and wellington boots for these sessions.


Forest School Curriculum Overview