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Transition for your child joining Reception

To enable a smooth transition for your child we offer Settling in sessions in the Summer Term prior to them joining Mead Road School.  These sessions allow your child to become familiar with our school surroundings and staff. 

During one of these sessions we will hold a parent meeting to discuss school readiness and expectations for September.  This allows the Reception Teacher and Teaching Assistant to get to know you and your child in a familiar setting.

At the parent meeting we will inform you of the starting school arrangements.  In order to help your child settle as quickly as possible into school life we gradually build up to full time.


Parent/carers of children in Year 2 at infant schools must apply online for a Year 3 place at their linked junior/primary school. There is no automatic move from infant  school to  Year 3. Access to the admissions system is from their own local authority websites.

Key dates for 2024

  • Friday 15 January 2025 - application closing date.
  • Friday 16 April 2025 - offer day. 

To aid your child in their move to Year 3 at their new school, a taster day/session is offered.

If your child is moving on to Scotts Park Primary School, the Year 3 staff from Scotts Park will visit Mead Road to get to know the children.  Mead Road children will also have the opportunity to visit Scotts Park and meet their new classmates. 

If your child is moving on to Red Hill Primary School the Year 3 staff from Red Hill visit Mead Road to get to know the children.  They spend time discussing the children with our Year 2 teacher in terms of progress, attainment and individual needs.

Transition meetings are held between our Yr. 2 Class teacher and receiving teachers in all new schools to support the hand over of key information and all children are supported with their transition through a programme of activities which explore the practical, emotional and social aspects of moving on to a new school, for all our yr. 2 pupils in the Summer term.